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Meet the Alma Duo™: The Latest Treatment in Sexual Health

Alma Duo uses advanced shock wave technology to improve blood flow to sexual organs, reversing aging effects and enhancing sexual function.

Find The Sexual Fulfillment You Desire With Alma Duo Treatment Tustin

First technology that works for both men and women

Advanced acoustics technology generates low-intensity shockwaves (LI-ESWT) that penetrate deep into the skin, inducing mechanical stress. This triggers the body’s wound-healing function, eventually stimulating neovascularization at the focused site, enabling better blood flow.

The Alma Duo offers significant advantages through its capacity to enhance blood circulation to vital areas. By boosting blood flow, this device fosters engorgement and heightened sensitivity, ultimately resulting in heightened pleasure and improved orgasmic experiences.

Alma Duo Treatment
Alma Duo Treatment

Here’s how the treatment works:

Advanced acoustics technology generates low-intensity shockwaves (LI-ESWT) that penetrate deep into the body, that tells the body to increase blood flow. This signals the body’s healing function that enables to body to build more ways for blood to flow, enabling better blood flow and increasing sensation. Contact us to book your session. 

DUO Treatment areas

For Men: Erectile Dysfunction

For Women: Feminine Health

Alma Duo Treatment Benefits:

A Non-Invasive Alternative

Alma Duo is completely non-invasive, involves no needles and no pain.

Quick Treatment

A series of six 15-minute treatments over the course of three weeks.

No Side Effects

with no recovery time and no side effects (unlike ED medications).

Long-Term Results

most patients enjoy the benefits for at least a year and are confident in their ability to perform when the occasion arise.